
 Early planning

  • Website will focus on exclusive content whilst still selling the magazine, with social media feeds and reviews, articles and top lists, alongside some interviews in order to promote the online form, this will target the online nature of the 16-25 year old target audience with content that appeals to them in their want for information and socials
Mood Board

Possible cover lines/articles
  • Looking back on the decade
  • Top 'City Pop' tracks this week
  • How (artist name) made their return
  • The alcoholism that inspired (album name)
  • lonely nights in the city life - an interview with (artist name)
  • The songs that led to today
  • What to look forward to from now until 2025
  • Celebrating 10 years of (insert artist name)
  • The best live shows of 2023
  • An insight into (artist name)
Section headings
  • Reviews
  • shop
  • top lists
  • news
  • interviews 
  • home

Ideas of audio-visual content 
  • Interview with an artist, snippet of a full interview, focusing on their new release and their story, likely cutting between them in a studio with an interviewer and visual content that relates
  • Edited style my not include an actual visual of the artist to create an idea of anonymity
  • Appeals to the audience wanting to learn more about the artists, whilst also being an exclusive promotion and interview 
Photo ideas
  • Setting - studio, possible use of outside with plants and sun, perhaps use green screen to place model into somewhere different, e.g a 3d background that resembles the city or futuristic style
  • model - likely use 2 female models for the front of the magazine, with models of any kind on the contents, undecided but will likely have the clothing be more casual to reminisce on city pop, 
  • lowkey lighting with saturated colour
  • stylised  

Website template 

Website Video idea draft

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Statement of Intent

Draft The products I intend to produce fit into the music sub-genres of future funk, with elements of CIty-Pop, EDM and Electronic music bei...