Monday 17 June 2024

Statement of Intent


The products I intend to produce fit into the music sub-genres of future funk, with elements of CIty-Pop, EDM and Electronic music being interwoven in order to interlink the products to a British and youthful audience of 16-25 year olds. The products will focus on looking back on the decade of the genre ,whilst upbringing new artists who dive into the somewhat niche genre, whilst also aiming to diversify the audience with the elements of DJ and electronic being used to pull in  a larger audience from the mainstream.I intend to use a fictional publisher due to the niche aspects of the genre, and will develop this publisher and their values on the website. The magazine will use female models on the cover, in reflection of the genre of City-Pop as well as subverting the commonality of male DJ’s, with the double page contents spread using models of any gender with primarily a young focus to create relatability and realism to the target audience. I intend to use a stylised format for both products, with intertextuality to the major covers of CIty-pop on at least one of the photos, whilst using technology as Mise-en-scene with both studio and outside settings to mirror the conventions of the electronic genre, using camera shots of both mid close ups and long shots depending on the models pose.. Representation wise I intend to use a variety of genders, whilst also including representation of homosexuality as well as alcohol abuse within the articles, to carve a deeper meaning to the contents and allow the mature audience to enjoy a deeper cut into the artist's story, further creating appeal of the product. The website will use the same style, however the layout will be more simplistic to allow ease of use whilst integrating social media and exclusive permanent content to appeal, with video interviews of artists to satiate the cravings of an audience who wants to know more about the new releases and backstory in the genre. With the style being a minimalistic and uncluttered look with graphical effects that blend the images with the layout, whilst using neon style colours such as purple, blue red and green to reflect the genre. Each article on the website will have an image to relate to the contents, with both the magazine and websites using lowkey but saturated images to draw attention and reflect the vibrant but dim conventions of the genres.

Synergy across multi platforms is necessary to create a recognisable and accessible brand in the modern climate to drive audience engagement. The contents of both products will be similar with exclusive interviews, social media feeds and photos within both products to create a reason for the digitally native target audience whilst using the same logo, colour palette and graphically minimalistic style to create brand identity. There will be an integrated social media feed into the website, which promotes both the website and magazine, further creating synergy but also providing promotion to the products, with the magazine also promoting the social media. 


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Statement of Intent

Draft The products I intend to produce fit into the music sub-genres of future funk, with elements of CIty-Pop, EDM and Electronic music bei...