Friday 17 May 2024

Research conclusion

  • Product - music magazine under the overall genres of dance and EDM but focusing on the sub-genres of Japanese city-pop and future funk, these genres do not have persistent magazines therefore inspiration for genre conventions will be taken from electronic music magazines and the actual artists/albums behind the songs within the genre, focusing on the growing popularity of a genre with less music being produced 
  • The main concept is talking about the modern artists of the genre as the genre has faded out, whilst reminiscing on the artists that built the genre and are still going
  • Name - undecided, ideas (Mania, euphoric, Blossom, Dusk)
  • This concept fits into the broad genre of dance in how it still reminisces on the smash hits of the past that are still played in modern day, however as the sub-genre is city pop there is a greater freedom of choice in what can be viewed as genre conventions, the nature of reminiscence alongside supporting artists will be in this genre, top lists of songs will also be used to further fit in to the genre 
  • conceptually the magazine covers shall include intertextual references to the hit albums which are noticeable enough to make a clear reference to fans of the genre but subtle enough to not come off as tacky for those less informed about the music or who only know the songs
  • audience middle market 16-25 year old group who likes to be entertained - will be appealed to in how the contents consist of a genre predominantly listened to this age group, with the themes being on helping them find older music from before their time, and at a more precise level the style choices of the magazine and the design of the website will be styled to mirror the albums of the genre 
  • The institution chosen to base publishing off of is a non existent publisher to reflect the genre
  • The mise-en-scene will attempt too provide a retro future. style to fit into the genre, with the dance and EDM motifs being seen in the future aspect and the retro 80s style being used as intertextual reference, the poses used will in theory be referencing some major hits, with he colour palettes and locations being bright and saturated, referencing the upbeat visual style of the genre with the sadder undertones of the actual music, 
  • The artists will be both young and old, with the goal of representing the newer artists and the godfathers of the genre, These representations hence attract an audience who enjoy the classics of the genre whilst looking for new artists in a predominantly dormant genre  
  • intertextuality will be used throughout the whole magazine, with the cover poses being references to the poses on the major hit albums, alongside textual references to albums with references to the artists who make the genre, alongside the style of the cover just being intertextual in general towards the aesthetic design of the genres graphics 
  • The website design will be a simple style, following conventions it will consist of a simpler design with a block format in its layout, with social media and the nav bar being at the top alongside a front page which consists of online exclusive content, the website will be stylised to the albums genre in its graphics but the layout design will be simpler to mirror the genre, attracting an audience in the genre style but also in the exclusive content
  • The website will contain links to social media pages with the the genre trope of top lists and compilations being a separate page, likely with a review page as well as that is common in the genre 
  • The inclusion of social media links alongside possible videos from socials will lead to cross platform interactivity, and the social media will have samples on the website to display promotion for the website with a clear encouragement to pull in the audience with exclusive content about the artists alongside interviews, with clear links to the selling of the magazine, possible having it on the front page
  • The website will reflect the publisher by following a similar layout to their own websites 
  • the audio/visual content will likely be interviews with artists or social media content such as tiktoks to shill tot he younger audience of 16-18 year olds, 

  • Synergy and branding are important across media industries, the growing internet world alongside the failings of print media and physicality leads to recognisable branding being essential, the magazine and website need to share an iconic branding that separates itself from the competition whilst elevating itself to be recognisable, if there is no synergy there is no cross platform interaction causing a more passive audience 
  • The logo will be used for the masthead and repeated on the website to be identifiable and reflect branding, the main images will not appear on both, rather having different images of the same people to provide a different experience and a unique selling point to each product
  • Social media feeds may be integrated to the website alongside being shilled on the magazine to create a synergy and cross platform promotion of the brand 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas so far Zack - can see the research influence here


Statement of Intent

Draft The products I intend to produce fit into the music sub-genres of future funk, with elements of CIty-Pop, EDM and Electronic music bei...