Thursday 16 May 2024

Website Analysis

 Website one - MixMag

Front page

  • Layout - The front page features a blocked style, the main current headline being the 'Best mixes so far 2024,' with other top lists in the same stylised blocks of colour, the logo/header is on the same level as the nav bar with the social media links on a greyed out strip below to separate the nav bar from the rest of the website, the news articles are all apparent after scrolling down, with a larger block for major headlines like new albums, with videos woven in to display live shows, goes down constantly with constant refresher on articles 
  • Image to text ratio is image dominant, with text enhancing and anchoring he image whilst the image is the main eye catcher
  • The photos used vary in style, some are graphics rather than photos whilst others vary from wide shots on  artists to establishing shots on locations, with overheads and low angles being persistent for locations, however the variety is there with stylising based on the type of image and its link to the headline 
  • Magazine does not hold any major presence on the front page outside of sharing same brand, the artists are represented in a neutral way, often with the front covers taking a formal stance on 'they did this' rather than giving an opinion them 
  • Task bar, contains a regional change to change the news to nay particular region

Linked pages 


  • Layout is consistent with the block format, however the contents change to fit the page in either a video format or tech news, depending on the subpage 
  • Consistent white and black colour palette for the main contents with the colour sof the image being dictated by the contents
  • The pages keep the same style with the taskbar and social media links at the top

-Appeals to audience in how it can be filtered to region, offers up to date news alongside lists that cannot be found thin the magazine 

Website two - Electronic sound

  •   Layout - Nav bar dominates top section followed by a large banner taking up the front view prior to any scroll, below banner the features section in a block format is present, with windows to take you to other pages on the website, the right side contains a banner of various webpages. The bottom of the website consist of a newsletter offer, button for donations and. asocial media bar, with a footer
  • No major presence or link to the magazine 
  • There is a somewhat even image to text ratio for the articles in which the headline as well as a description is present, however the images still dominate the page 
  • The text is sans serif standard with no special effects in a black font with a neutral lexis leaning towards being formal in content but informal in dialogue
  • The artists are all represented in a manner reflecting them, varying representations but all display the artists as the centre piece with reminiscent on the good times to the struggles of their career, alongside supporting the new releases, they often are in praise of the artist and their brilliance, representing them as higher 
  • The lower quality and grain in the photos mirrors the genres roots in older decades, and how a lot of hits are still the same as they were 30 years ago 
  • Targets audiences buy giving na insight into the artists of the major hits whilst also displaying the drive for new music in the promotion of new artist 

Linked Pages

  • Linked pages consist of a large banner varying in colour depending on content with a large block of text stating the subpage
  • The  layout is the same as the main page with further links to other sites
  • There is links to purchase the magazine on the storefront page, with the latest issue being the first option


1 comment:

Statement of Intent

Draft The products I intend to produce fit into the music sub-genres of future funk, with elements of CIty-Pop, EDM and Electronic music bei...